Changes in R4.6

Large Screen Dimension Support

Release 4.6 of Data Investigator exploits large 3270 terminal displays.  Screen depths up to and including 99 lines are supported.

Project Selection from List

The principal visible change in Release 4.6 concerns how a Project is specified on the DI primary menu.

The user-defined Project List has been removed from the DI Primary Menu and Option 7, List Projects, has been added.

Users can choose to manually enter a known Project name into the Project field or select Option 7 which will result in a list of all Projects known to DI being displayed. Users can then select their Project of interest from that list which will then populate the Project input field.

The Project input field has been improved to recognise a Point-and-Shoot action and the subsequent behaviour will mirror that of the new Option 7.


All maintenance developed for Release 4.5 up to Q4 2019 has been included in the initial distribution set of Release 4.6.