Changes in R4.5

Large Screen Dimension Support

Release 4.5 of Data Investigator exploits large 3270 terminal displays.  Screen depths up to and including 43 lines (3270 Model-4) are supported.

Easytrieve Scanning Improvements

Improvements have been made to the processes that scan Easytrieve source code.

Most significantly Data Investigator will recognise, and capture, items contained in embedded SQL statements.

XREF Display Maximum Increased

The maximum number of cross-reference entries displayed online has been increased from 500 to 5000 in the base release.

Most installations will have a tailored copy of CLIST(DINV) which contains an override for this value.  If this is the case you may wish to increase the value for the variable &MAXX accordingly in your installation’s copy. 

Multiple logical ISPF screens

Previous releases of Data Investigator have only permitted one logical screen to be active at one time in ISPF.  In this Release 4.5 it is possible to have two (or more) active, with the following limitation.

Only one logical screen in ISPF is permitted to use one of the following options concurrently:

·      Online Enquiries option (option 1)

·      Review Data Names, in Global Change Workbench (option 6.6).

Batch Message Processing

Message content in Data Investigator's batch processing message has been internalised.

The ‘MSGS’ DD and associated ‘MSGS’ VSAM file will no longer be distributed. 


Support for processing members of PDS/E Loadlibs has been incorporated into the base product and is no longer an option as it was in previous releases.

Data Sets Renamed

The suffixes of the following two ISPF distribution libraries have been renamed.

1.    ISPFMSG has been renamed to MESSAGES.

2.    SKELS has been renamed to SKELETON.

These standard ISPF data set suffixes will remain unchanged for future releases of Data Investigator, as will CLIST and PANELS.

Latest Maintenance.

All maintenance developed for Release 4.4 up to Q1 2009 has been included in the initial distribution set of Release 4.5.